Personal trainer Mgr. Ondřej Diviš

Are you looking for a way how to change your exercise and eating habits? Are you getting a little bit lost and do you need guidenence? Then I will be glad to guide you and help you with right exercises and diet. My lessons are based on a physio diagnosis of your musculoskeletal system and I prefer healthy bodyweight exercises, which is especially suitable for weight loss, toning, getting rid of a back and joint pain and generally leads to a healthy lifestyle. Me personally, I have been doing healthy bodyweight exercises, Shaolin kung-fu and Taichi martial arts for more than ten years. I´m looking forward to see you.

Coverage of trainer at home:


  • Charles University in Prague
  • Faculty of PE and Sport
  • Specialization PE and Sport


  • from 2008 Proffesional Personal Fitness Trainer
  • from 2010 Coach of Swimming for Kids and Adults
  • from 2018 leads courses of Shaolin kung-fu Prague Martial Arts for Kids and Adults at Opatov (Prague 11)
  • from 2022 leads courses of Qigong and Tai-chi Prague, the exercise with inner energy at Opatov (Prague 11)


  • UK FTVS - master degree
  • Instructor of Fitness
  • Author of the home fitness equipment XUpTrainer - Suspesion Fitness Multi gym
  • Conditional coach
  • Masseur
  • Assisted stretching
  • Instructor of Power-Plate
  • Instructor of school skiiing
  • Instructor of school football
  • Trainer of football - licence ´C´

Foreign languages:

  • English
  • German

Fight stress with Ondra

date 17.8. 2018, rated: Honza

I contacted Ondra some two years ago to help me fight stress and repeating headaches. Work out with him is both pleasure and fun and importantly I do notice gradual improvement. The right combination of stretching and workout works well. Ondra is a true Pro - he is reliable, always in a good mood, empathic, but also demanding when it is needed. Simply, he likes his job. BTW he has recently designed and is currently launching his own patented multifunctional exercise equipment! Just another reason why I like working out with him and can sincerely recommend him. Check him out! ;-)

Best decision ever...

date 19.6. 2016, rated: Urska Loncnar

I´ve been training with Ondra for the past 3 years. I´ve always been an athletic person but after giving a birth, I just couldn´t get back on track. Training with Ondra keeps me motivated, strong and fit. He is a very positive person, never gives up or gives in even when I do. I look forward to every training with him because it makes me feel good and look good. So definitely one of my best decisions ever and money well spent...

Похудеть с Ондреем

date 10.12. 2015, rated: Victoria

Привет всем! Я начала заниматься с Ондреем, чтобы привести себя в форму. Отличный тренер. Всегда на связи, на каждой тренировке бодр и весел, что важно, когда ты только начинаешь тренироваться и лень что либо делать ☺ Все доходчиво объясняет, с пониманием и терпением относится к ошибкам. На занятии с ним и поболтать классно ☺ Одно слово - супер! Ондрей - добросовестный тренер и всегда пунктуален, занятия проходили эффективно, ни минуты простоя. Мне все очень понравилось, и я похудела на 8,5кг за 2 месяца. Рекомендую всем, кто хочет заниматься регулярно! Если не знаете чешский, можно с ним договориться на английском.

Highly recommend Ondra for Personal Training Services

date 30.11. 2014, rated: Paul Strebel

I´ve been a fitness client of Ondra for over 18 months using his services 3 days per week. We´ve also used him for small group sessions in our home. I´ve been pleased with the progress towards my fitness goals. There is variety to the work out program with assorted equipment and flexibility to adjust when different parts of the body need more focus or building strength after some rehabilitation. Ondra is always prompt and professional. I highly recommend him for your fitness training needs.

insert a testimonial

Price conditions:

  • I offer sample session - Yes, 1000CZK
  • 1x 60 minutes of personal training - 1 290CZK
  • 10x 60 minutes of personal training - 12 000CZK
  • Compose of a training plan - 4 000CZK
  • Compose of a nutrition plan - 5 000CZK

Contact form

Are you interested in my services? Would you like to try an introductory session first? Please contact me via the form below.